Tuesday, April 21, 2015


So my girls had a few cavity bugs to get taken care of. We had to have them up to Riverwood surgery center at 7:30 on a snowy morning. We got them up at 5 am and headed up to Provo. Brynlee went first, and they took her in a wagon away from us and let her "blow up a balloon" until she fell asleep. The doctor had told us that 99% of the the kids come out mad and crying, but Brynlee was part of that 1%. She woke up and just came and sat on her daddy's lap and was fine within minutes. Brooklyn on the other hand woke up MAD!! She fought like crazy. Even Steven had a hard time holding on to her. I finally got her calmed down enough to get her in the car. Once we were out of there she was fine, but she had a rough go of it. They are now just enjoying their "new" teeth and the new baby from dad for being brave. Here is to keeping the sugar bugs away!

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