Monday, January 28, 2013

The Twins 1st Birthday

I seriously still cannot believe that my babies are 1 year old. The time has gone by so fast. I swear this whole year went by faster than the 9 months of being pregnant. It has been the best year! The girls have grown so much. I can't believe they went from the tiny babies having to stay in the hospital, to the beautiful energetic little girls they are now. They definitely keep me going. They are all over the place, getting into everything. Their new favorite thing to do is play hide and seek in the shower curtains. I love it when I'm sitting in the front room or doing the dishes and can hear them laughing together in the bathroom, or playing together in their bedroom. They have learned to fight over EVERYTHING. I try and buy 2 of everything, but that doesn't matter to them. They both want 2 of EVERYTHING (one for each hand). They have their fights, but they love each other so much and you can see it in their eyes. I believe they are twins for a reason. They would be lost without each other, and I would be lost without the two of them together. They both have been walking for awhile now. Brynlee was around 9.5 months and Brooklyn was 10.5 months. They can say Mommy and Dadda. It's so fun to watch them grow to be the beautiful little girls they are. I can't wait to continue to watch them grow. I'm so grateful for their love and the opportunity to be their Mom. They truly are a blessing in our lives.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We had such a fun Christmas with the girls. I think I was the most excited for them. The girls woke up around 7, had a bottle and then got ready for the fun. They didn't really know what to think at first. Brooklyn was a little bit nervous, but once they got to the toys there was no stopping them. :) They had so much fun. They love all their toys. Bryn really liked the rocking horses, and I'm still trying to convince Brooklyn that they are fun. She is getting a lot better and I actually got her to ride it for a minute today. I just can't believe that soon it will be there birthday, and we will get to do the present thing all over again. They are growing so much