Thursday, December 27, 2012

Brooklyn's heart

I have a little bit of catching up to do, so I will start with this post before I post about our wonderful Christmas. Last week on the 18th Brooklyn had to go in and have a check up on her heart. I was a nervous wreck. They had to put her out so that they could see all that they needed to without her fighting it. That was the worst part. I cried with her as they put in the IV. I kept wanting to take the pain away, but she is seriously one tough little girl. It took about 45 minutes for them to do the echo, and then another half hour in recovery. They told us we would be in recovery for a few hours, but our Brooklyn showed them how tough she is and was out in less than an hour. After that we had a clinic visit with her heart doctor to get the news on what was going on. Brooklyn's heart is getting better!! :) That was great news. The weird heart beat is gone, and the valve is starting to shut. We will have to go to another appointment in a year to do another check up, and hopefully we will continue to receive good news. We have been so blessed through all of this. We love our little girls so much! We are so grateful to be their parents.

Friday, December 7, 2012